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Alan Stokes and Philly Lewis For Corona and Huck Magazine

Wow, what a busy summer we have had! Waves, festivals, surfs, yoga and cervezas, cervezas, cervezas. Lot's of glorious sunsets and cold Corona's by the ocean.

It was awesome news when Corona and Huck Magazine got in contact with us and asked us to be a part of their new campaign 'This Is Living'. All they wanted us to do was to photograph our summer of surfing and dreamy fun. Easy living! Just like the beer... So off we went, enjoying our long summer days, snapping with our camera along the way. It was our perfect campaign and fitted so well with our Wild & Free lifestyle. Taking life easy, living it to the full. #ThisisLiving

You can see the article here. Find our photo's on Huck's Instagram, Corona's Instagram, and Alan Stoke's Instagram.

alan stokes corona huck

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