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4 Ways To Cultivate Gratitude


Thank You. Two words that can change the world. When thank you is expressed to us, how amazing do those two words make you feel? You've helped someone, someone has helped you. You've made someone smile, someone has made you smile. You've given someone a glimpse of joy, someone has given you a glimpse of joy. Thank you is not just a polite manner we have picked up along the way, thank you can really bring people together.

In such a day when we get so caught up in all the negatives, the money, the news, that friend down the road who's been talking behind your back, it's so important to cultivate gratitude into your daily yoga routine and life. It has been my (Philly's) theme in yoga class this week and something I will definitely bring along to our surf and yoga retreats.

It becomes so easy to find joy and happiness when we set our intention to appreciate and be thankful for every moment. To be thankful for your breath, for living here, now. As soon as we start to focus on everything positive in our lives, we start to invite LOVE and everything good in. Far better than all that negative stuff that just makes us heavy right?

Here are 4 ways to cultivate gratitude into your life -

1. Start your day with three reasons why you are grateful today.

The reasons can be anything, you are grateful for your coffee, your grateful for the sun, grateful for a lie in, grateful for a busy day, grateful for just breathing. ANYTHING. If you want to, write them down, and at the end of the day, write three more. See if they are the same or you end up with six reasons. Today, I am grateful for...

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2. Slow down, say thank-you and connect with your loved ones.

Did you ever stop in between all that rush to create something for yourself, that you actually forgot to sit and enjoy what you have created? Slow down, take a break and enjoy everything you have achieved. Even the bumps along the way, without those bumps, you wouldn't be where you are today. Actually take a moment to say thank you, to yourself, to everyone that has helped your journey and to your loved ones, for always being there. Take more holiday's, exercise, yoga, surf. Slow down and enjoy the ride.

surf and yoga retreat costa rica

3. Notice what you HAVE, not what you haven't.

For some crazy reason, we have a habit of focusing on everything that we don't have rather than what we do have. The ego alway's wants more, especially if other people have it, to satisfy our sense of worth, to satisfy our happiness. But the truth is, we don't actually need anything to satisfy our happiness, our happiness lies within us. So start focusing on what YOU HAVE, a healthy body, a roof over your head, a job, good friends, loving family, food to eat. You have everything you need to be happy.

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Smiling is the most amazing way to trick ourselves into feeling good, as well as lighting up other's day. Smile at a stranger. Share your gratitude and lightness around. What's a smile worth having if we don't use it. And just BREATHE. You are alive. Be grateful for just breathing.

surf and yoga cornwall

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