Living by the ocean, always keeping one eye on its moods whilst trying to complete daily chores before the tide is just right, is how we surfers addicted to the call of the ocean live their day to day lives. I am no different. I wake early every morning, put the kettle on in a sleepy haze and check the waves. The rest of my day is then constructed, must do's and errands are all masterfully organised around the winds and tides.

The excitement of another perfect dawn
Either at home or away this is the one stedfast in my daily routine that happens without thought or hesitation. It is so ingrained, almost ritual like, I barely know I'm doing it, until someone asks, 'how are the waves today'. Upon which I spew forth best time, tide, push or drop, spot, what equipment would be best suited. You see, I'm fascinated by the ocean, its ever changing states and how one might go about riding each and every wave that lapse upon the shore.
This fascination has lead me to every corner of the globe, chasing swells and watching sunsets. I have ridden waves on nearly every ocean and sea known to man, but this blissful addiction only rests as the sun dips beneath the waters and by dawn I'm still pulled to the call of the sea. I have spent my whole life traveling and searching for waves, like a wondering gypsy with a surfboard under his arm. Carefully I plan by scouring maps or using KAYAK explore, trying to find a hidden gem and dreaming of empty perfect waves to ride, so that by sunset my addiction rests once more.

Now, it is far easier to track waves and the weather patterns with storms that are their makers. Using online global wave forecasting apps and travel sites like KAYAK Explore you can book and plan a last minute surf trip in the few clicks of a button. So when the charts lit up and gave us the green light for a quick trip to a few secret gems off the beaten path, we didn't hesitate. Flights were booked bags were packed and we were gone. The rest would take care of itself and unravel with the passing of each tide and day.

Late night surf mission planning using KAYAK Explore
One continent that I seem to find myself being drawn to more than anywhere else on this blue planet is Central America. Driving for days on the Pan Am highway from the great Panama Canal in the south, up through Costa Rica and passed the lakes of Nicaragua, onwards through Honduras to the leg burning perfect point break waves of El Salvador in the north.

Carving on a beach miles from anywhere
Today however, it is far easier to track waves and the weather patterns with storms that are their makers. Using online global wave forecasting apps and travel sites like KAYAK Explore you can book and plan a last minute surf trip in the few clicks of a button. So when the charts lit up and gave us the green light for a quick trip to a few secret gems off the beaten path, we didn't hesitate. Flights were booked bags were packed and we were gone. The rest would take care of itself and unravel with the passing of each tide and day.

Fine tuning last minute changes to our trip using KAYAK Trips app
Groomed with perfectly lined up swells, beaches and points that face every direction, dirt tracks that wind their way down through river beds and out into the ocean, the only necessity here is a good quad bike and plenty of time on your hands. We loaded up the bikes and strapped our boards to the sides, heading north we made our way along bumpy dirt roads with the occasional glimpse of perfect white sandy bays and lapping turquoise seas.

Hitting the dirt tracks in search of perfect waves.
Just when we thought our eye's and lungs couldn't take another grain of dust, we stumbled upon what we were looking for. A great expanse of sand stretched out before us with perfectly empty reeling waves breaking for as far as the eyes could see. With no one around and perfect blue sky's above we filled our boots and had a blast, until the sun dipped beneath the waters and our addiction was laid to rest once more.

This trip was made possible by Photos by Philly Lewis
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