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5 Workout Exercises You Can Do Anywhere


Do you travel a lot? Or maybe you just can't justify that gym membership. Or maybe you simple like working out by yourself. Here's some inspiration to get you moving! This workout can be done anywhere, anytime, any place. You can use a yoga mat, but if you don't have one, don't worry, use the floor! Find the balance between living and exercising. This workout is also a great way to improve your surfing and can be incorporated into your current yoga practice. These poses target the whole body, strengthening and toning focusing on the core. Once your core is strong, the rest will follow.

1. Forearm Plank

Come onto the forearms making sure elbows are stacked under the shoulders, interlock the fingers, lift onto the toes and create a straight line from the the heels to the crown of the head. Make sure hips aren't lifting too high or too low. Start by holding for 1 minute. Start to increase this as you practice the pose, to 2 minutes then to 3 minutes. To increase the difficulty, rock back and forward on the toes. You can also lift one leg at a time, hold, and release.

5 Workout Exercises You Can Do Anywhere

2. Side Plank

Come onto the side of the right foot with right palm planted. Stack the left leg on top of the right, reach left arm up to the sky and take the gaze up. Keep hips lifting up high. Start by holding for 1 minute. Start to increase this as you practice the pose, to 2 minutes then to 3 minutes To increase the difficulty, raise the left leg up, hold, release down, repeat. Move onto the other side.

5 Workout Exercises You Can Do Anywhere

3. Downward Dog Knee Taps

Start in Downward Facing Dog, hips up and back, spine long. Raise the right leg up to the sky, engage the core, then draw the right knee to the right elbow, hold, send the leg back. Repeat, but draw the right knee to the left elbow. Do 10 taps on each leg, then swap.

5 Workout Exercises You Can Do Anywhere

4. Boat Pose Sit Ups

Start in Boat Pose, spine long, legs extended out in front of you, balancing on the sit bones, core engaged. Slowly lower to low boat, shoulders and legs slightly raised of the ground, hold. Squeeze back to you high boat. Repeat 20 times.

5 Workout Exercises You Can Do Anywhere

5. Leg Lowers

Start lying on your back, arms by your side, lower back pushing into the mat. Send the legs straight up to the sky and slowly lower until legs are slightly raised of the ground, keep lower back pressing into the mat and switch the core on. Raise legs straight back up. Repeat 20 times. To increase difficulty, as legs lower and are slightly raised of the ground, hold and crisscross legs over each other for the count of 10.

Return to start position, lower one leg at a time, keeping the other leg reaching straight up to the sky, lower back pressing into mat. Repeat 10 times on each leg.

5 Workout Exercises You Can Do Anywhere
5 Workout Exercises You Can Do Anywhere

Join us on our Wild & Free retreats. With plenty of yoga and surfing, you'll become your best self possible!

Fuerteventura Island Villa Surf and Yoga Retreat

Portugal Escape to Nature Surf and Yoga Retreat

Costa Rica Treehouse Adventure Surf and Yoga Retreat

Morocco Surf and Yoga Camp

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