We had such an awesome time at Boardmasters! What a weekend full of surf and yoga! We yoga-ed, we surfed, we danced, we partied, we signed, we partied some more and still got up for beach yoga. The sun was shining all weekend and the good vibes just kept on coming. Let us round up our highlights of the weekend...
1. Yoga every morning with our teacher Philly Lewis

Photo Anns Cottage
Every morning Philly taught an hour yoga classes to start the day, re-energising and getting ready for the dancing! We loved the sessions and it was amazing to see so many people still getting up at 8am to do some yoga. Up and Go even came along to give all the students their brekkie. What an awesome start to the day.

2. Watching the surf comp with our very own Alan Stokes

Photo Boardmasters
We loved watching the surfing every day, it was awesome to see all the talent that had come down to compete in the festival.
To have 5 days of waves in August is unheard of so this years Boardmasters was truly blessed. Back as a WSL sanctioned event it was great to see the surfing side of the festival throwing some weight again and attracting some of the worlds best surfers. Wild & Free's Alan Stokes surfed well but ended his campaign in round 3 in tricky wind swell conditions with eventual winner Shaun Campbell putting on a show of high performance surfing for the huge weekend crowd.
Sunday saw calm winds, blue skies and perfect 2ft waves for the longboard finals. The stage was set and some incredible traditional and progressive longboarding went down.

3. The signings

Photo Animal
We loved meeting everyone who came down to our signings at Animal and Fourth. So awesome to see so many smiles!

Photo Fourth
4. The music!

Photo Boardmasters
So we all know how amazing all the music was from the weekend. Our favourites had to be watching Medicine For The People, James Bay and Tom Curren. We love Nakho and Medicine for the People. Aloha!

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