Wild & Free catch up with pro-surfer and British champion Lucy Campbell. Having following in her brothers surfing footsteps, Lucy embodies our mind-set and desire to be a part of the oceans that surround us, we can't think of a better women to inspire us to be wild and free.

How long have you surfed and what inspired you in the first place?
I’ve been surfing for about 12 years, we moved to the coast of North Devon when I was about 5, my Dad and older brother would be in the sea whenever they could be after school and on the weekends! I always loved the water and would spend ages splashing around in swimming/ rock pools so eventually my Dad took me surfing too… needless to say I kind of fell in love!
Where is your favourite place to surf?
It would have to be either North East Scotland or Indonesia… both have my heart for different reasons!
You have 6 national titles under your belt, what was the most important thing you learned and was it tough going?
I think the most important thing I've learnt competing this year is that even the best in the world make mistakes or have days where they’re out of rhythm so its important not to be to hard on yourself if you don’t get the result you had hoped - it will come! It definitely wasn’t easy and has taken lots of training and dedication but I guess at the end of the day surfing is my fave thing to dedicate my time too!

What are your best work out tips for better surfing?
Core and legs are key! For core I find the dead bug the best thing to target the right muscles. Leg wise things like jump squats or resistance work will help you generate speed and help balance on the wave! Swimming is a great way to keep paddle fit if your out of the sea for a little while. Tie that all in with some yoga to aid recovery after a long day surfing and to aid balance and Viola!
How do you keep fitness fun?
I tend to mix it up and do different things so that it doesn’t get repetitive. Surfing, Mountain biking, running, gym, TRX, Yoga and even squash on yucky days! Having someone to go with is also amazing as you kind of forget your exercising!! I’ve written a little blog post on falling in love with running- all about ways to keeping running or I guess any fitness fun.. take a peek here.

Fave post work out meal?
Eggies and avocado on toast some sautéed mushrooms and tomatoes on the side!
Do you have any power tools to feel empowered and confident?
I've actually been exploring hypnotherapy to help boost confidence and selfie belief, I really think it works… and its a great excuse to nap anyways ;)!

What does the future hold for you?
This year things have really taken off, I feel so fortunate that surfing is now my full time job and I can focus my energy on training. I will carry on compeeting on the World Qualifying series, aim for the Olympics and hope to keep working with amazing brands to get English surfing on the map to help the up and coming groms.
Do you practise yoga and if so what do you feel are the main benefits of a consistent yoga routine?
Yes I do! For me I find it absolutely incredible for muscle recovery and injury prevention but also for breathing, headspace and proprioception/ body control which I think is pretty key in all sports and for improving posture.
If you had any advice for any one starting out surfing what would it be?
If its your first time definitely get a couple of lessons to help you learn a proper technique, which waves you should be looking to catch and how to be safe in the sea. Then as you progress its good to get a friend to watch you or another lesson or two to get advice on how you can improve or what you can try next! Most of all just enjoys it and embrace the face, nose, and mouth full of sea water… (you get used to it after a while ;)!)
When your not surfing what is your favourite hobby?
You would definitely find me in the kitchen either cooking or baking!
Whats your favourite thing to do when your in need of a little inspiration?
I'll probably watch for of the top CT girls surfing!
Whats your favourite quote to live by?
I like the quote “doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will’
I’m also very grateful to my Dad for always telling me to what makes me the happiest, If something isn’t making my happy to find a way to turn it around / take a new perspective on it!

Keep up with Lucy's adventures below -
Have you checked out our latest Surf & Yoga Retreats and Adventures?
Each year we travel to different surf spots around the world as well as host our signature retreats in the UK in dreamy Cornwall.
Our most popular retreat is our all girls surf and yoga retreat 'Women & Water' a 4 night luxury retreat, all inclusive with the right balance of adventures and mindfulness.... we run these in June and September and while they sell out "quick" it's worth checking out in case we have last minute cancellations and spots become available. These are a great way to start your surfing journey and learn about the cross over between surfing and yoga.
As well as this we stand up paddle boarding retreats and our other popular and often sold out surfing adventure with pro surfer Alan Stokes, for those looking to progress and fast track their surfing on a 4 night intensive pro surfing trip!
Not to mention our exciting 7-10 day trips abroad, here are our most popular retreats and adventures but do check out our 'past retreats' too, because we go where you guys want to go... simple get in touch via email wildandfreeadventures@gmail.com or via the chat and said where you want to go... enough votes and we're off...and so are you!
...and for more insights and inspiration check out out Journal (blog) where we write about our adventures and travels as well as interviews with Alan Stokes and guest reviews below: https://www.wildandfreeadventures.co.uk/journal
See you on adventure somewhere someday and get in touch if you have any questions... we love hearing from you!
Amanda & Joe x
