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Travel Diaries: The Coast Of Morocco


This winter, one of our many adventures took us to the wave and sun rich coast of Maghareb, Berber for 'place where the sun sets' or more commonly know as North Africa, the culturally colourful country of Morocco. We bounded a short flight from London to escape the ensuing winter storms and find out where the dusty roads and rolling waves would lead us.

Morocco surf and yoga wild and free
Morocco surf and yoga wild and free
Morocco surf and yoga wild and free
Morocco surf and yoga wild and free

Flying into Agadir is the quickest way to reach the Moroccan coast, and from there we decided to leave the city life behind and head to the small fishing town of Taghazout. The charming little village has now turned into a surfers town, filled with surf shops, hire, boutique hostels and most importantly, waves crashing on the beaches every single day. Waking each morning, we were greeted with the call to prayer, something to get used to if you travel to the country. It signified our surf check, a different ritual to praying but to be taken just as religiously. The swell wraps around the points below the traditional Moroccan terraces, the sounds of waves reaching your bed whilst the fisherman bring back their catch.

Morocco surf and yoga wild and free
Morocco surf and yoga wild and free
Morocco surf and yoga wild and free
Morocco surf and yoga wild and free
Morocco surf and yoga wild and free

If you don't walking to the surf and want a little more adventure, you can take a taxi or join a surf trip down the coast. Our favourite breaks are Anchor's Point, Imsouane, Deserts and make sure you spend the day at Tamri beach, it's turquoise waters are definitely enough to lure you in. The coast gets more beautiful and more untouched the further you go. The waves get cleaner and emptier. Find our top 3 breaks in Morocco here! Exploring is definitely a must on their dusty roads. If it's only a quick journey, make sure you travel in true berber style and ride a camel along the golden sands.

Morocco surf and yoga wild and free
Morocco surf and yoga wild and free
Morocco surf and yoga wild and free
Morocco surf and yoga wild and free
Morocco surf and yoga wild and free

The best thing about Taghazout, it that it still holds it's Moroccan charm. Take time to wander around the local streets finding treasures round every corner. Surf board covers, bags, silver, they have all the trinkets. There's also plenty of yummy restaurants to try to re-fuel for that surf, our favourites are L'auberge for healthy food and Panorama's restaurant for the view where you can keep one eye on the surf.

Morocco surf and yoga wild and free
Morocco surf and yoga wild and free
Morocco surf and yoga wild and free
Morocco surf and yoga wild and free
Morocco surf and yoga wild and free

Morocco surf and yoga wild and free

There are plenty of places to stay in Taghazout, from up market hotels to small hostels it caters for everyone. If you fancy a hotel stay then we recommend the Hyatt Taghazout Bay, find our review here. If your looking for a hostel we love Amayoursurf and World of Waves. Most places in Morocco combine surfing with yoga so if you fancy a yoga class you'll be spoilt for choice! Or, come along to our Morocco surf and yoga retreat, read about it here! The best thing about Morocco is the African sun setting over the ocean, painting the sky with colours and the mountains behind.

Morocco surf and yoga wild and free
Morocco surf and yoga wild and free
Morocco surf and yoga wild and free
Morocco surf and yoga wild and free
Morocco surf and yoga wild and free
Morocco surf and yoga wild and free

If you like the sound of a surf and yoga retreat, join us on one of our adventures and remember to be wild and free!

Costa Rica Surf and Yoga

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