The summer season is our favourite for many reasons, the sunny long days, the warm waters, the beach adventures. It's also festival season! This year Philly Lewis was teaching at Yoga Connects Festival, not your usual music festival but a weekend dedicated to just yoga. Yep, would you believe it! A whole festival celebrating the practice of yoga and everything that comes with it. This July we headed to Glastonbury to immerse ourselves into our practice. Here are our highlights of the day!

1. Taking Part in the different styles of yoga
Yoga is a practice in which you are encouraged to connect with yourself, but also others on the journey with you. We loved practicing every morning and through out the day with so many fellow yogis. The energy from a class full of people is so uplifting and rewarding. It vibrates into you allowing yourself to discover new feelings and new poses. We loved the Rocket Yoga class led by Ambra Vallo, the class by Stewert Gilchrist, the acro yoga, the aerial swings, the meditations. We could go on forever! The vibe of the festival was so energetic and upbeat!

2. The food
The great thing about a yoga festival is the incredible food that comes with it. Most of us yogi's tend to be vegetarians, so finding yummy tasty food is tricky. At Yoga Connects there was so many options as well as a full vegan menu! With delicious falafel, quinoa, homemade homous and other extremely healthy meals, it was like a detox on the body for the weekend!

3. Teaching our Yoga For Surfers class
Teaching yoga is always a highlight, it is a blessing to share a practice that is so sacred and others can connect with so well. Philly taught two Yoga for Surfers classes over the weekend in the Shamanic Yurt. Combining energising, creative poses intertwined with yin yoga to soothe and heal the muscles, it was great to share and talk about our surf and yoga retreats with everyone at the festival.

4. The Massage Tent
Camping always leaves you feeling sore, with the added challenging yoga classes the shoulders take a huge beating. The massage and wellbeing area was definitely on the list to visit in between classes. With deep tissue massages, energy healing and reflexology, there was something for everyone. Or should I say every ache...
